Improve the Overall Performance with Employee Recognition Programs



Employee Recognition Programs are a very subtle way of improving the overall performance of employees.

Ari weinzwieg a famous philosopher, once said, “if you don't create a great, rewarding place for people to work, they won't do great work."

According to

· 37% of employee consider recognition most important. 

· Those teams who score in the top 20% in engagement experience a 59% less turnover.

· Only about 34% of the US workforce feel engaged.

· A Gallup employee engagement statistics poll reveals that 53% of workers in the US are non-engaged.

· Nearly 66% of all employees are disengaged.

· One in five employees is not confident that their manager will provide regular, constructive feedback on their work.

· Highly engaged employees are 87% less likely to leave their place of work.

Globally, only 15% of employees are engaged in their work.


The statistics above show that Employee Recognition Programs is pivotal. Recognizing the efforts of a workforce can create a competitive environment in a workplace.

Following are some Employee recognition platforms:

· Bravo

· Bonusly

· Reward gateway

· Motivosity

· Bucketlist

These are some world-renowned platforms that help Employees get recognized for the years of service they have put in.

The main motive of these platforms is to tell the world that employees are not just work-horses; they deserve every bit of praise and recognition so that if they decide to leave an Organization, it will be easier for them to get hired elsewhere.

They Serve a Purpose


The sole purpose of best employee recognition programs is to lay out a flat and clear message: “Employees mean everything to the organization". Their presence is appreciated, and they will be rewarded for their hard work.

Some of the employee recognition programs are


This is a great way of rewarding an individual. His/her peers will learn from their example and try to follow their footsteps, which will benefit the Organization. 

Giving gift cards

Gift cards are an amazing way of showing appreciation. A gift card has an in-store balance that you can go and spend buying your favorite stuff

Paid holidays for families

This is pretty much self-explanatory as the top performers get an all-paid expense holiday to their favorite destination with family. This is one of the top recognition ideas that is only practiced among wealthy organizations

Years of service

A veteran giving his expertise for a very long time is recognized for his/her duty in the most prolific manner. Many companies practice this program as it gives motivation to young employees that loyalty is the key to success.

Hall of Fame Induction

Inducting the top performers into a hall of fame is one of the best ways to tell the old-timers that their services are highly appreciated.

To get the best of Employee recognition and to attain some bright ideas, log onto Getbravo


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