Verbal and Written Practices To Create A Successful Employee Recognition Programs

The employee recognition program is an initiative to reward their workers for individual milestones, anniversaries, and achievements, good behaviors. However, organizations are not sure how to reap maximum benefits from an Employee recognition program. Here, we discuss the best practices and the benefits of initiating an employee recognition program.

Best Practices For Employee Recognition Program

Companies can appreciate their employees in either verbal or in written form. Following is the difference between the two,

1. Verbal Recognition

The most cliche way of recognizing your employees is by verbal praise. Verbal praise is the most spontaneous form of employee engagement software and can come from colleagues and managers. Verbal praise is considered informal in nature but can still be solicited as an integral part of a formal employee engagement software. 

2. Written Recognition

Written appreciation can even mean writing a simple thank-you note to your employees for their dedicated efforts. Written recognition notes are equally efficient if they are handed over in person or be sent as electronic communication on the company's network. However, written appreciation is more suited for introverted employees who may not be comfortable with verbal appreciation.

Public and Private Employee Engagement Software

If you are an employer and wonder if your employees need to be recognized privately or publicly, here is some insight.

1. Public Appreciation

Studies suggest that if the employees are recognized publicly in front of their colleagues, that means much more to them than when they are appreciated in one-on-one meetings. An employee engagement software should be designed to celebrate and share individuals' achievements as a team. Following are a few means to publicly recognize your employees,

  • Sending out an internal employee newsletter
  • Creating an appreciation event
  • Giving a shout-out during company meetings
  • Post a recognition note on the wall of fame.
  • Creating Social Media posts 
  • Posting an employee's success blog on the company's career blog.  
  • Posting the news on an internal communication platform 
  • Engaging local press releases
  • Recognizing your top performers during annual company events

2. Private Appreciation

Some employees may be introverted, or they don't like to spotlight things. Such employees prefer to be appreciated privately. We have enlisted a few ideas on how to enjoy an employee personally:

  • Writing a "Thank you" note.  
  • Sending a private email to enjoy achieving some milestones.  
  • Sending a gift to the employee on their home address
  • Creating a short "Thank you" video message from the manager to show recognition
  • Organizing a quick "Thank you" meeting with the CEO  
  • Creating and sending out achievement certificates to reward employees  

Benefits of Employee Engagement Software

Incorporating an employee recognition program can help your company achieve greater employee engagement. This results in increased employee retention and assists the managers in creating a more pleasant workplace culture. If you are looking for a one-stop solution to recognize your employees, contact BRAVO.
